Our Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Farrell Friedenberg
Farrell has a flair for fashion, keen eye for creativity and a strong sense of purpose. Those traits combined with her background in Art and easy going personality was the perfect recipe for success.
In 2006, she purchased the business from her cousin and since then has grown Jay Ann Intimates into the largest and most respected mastectomy/compression shop in the Tri-state area.
She has a strong passion for women's issues and takes every opportunity to educate those around her to raise awareness and create change.
She is born and raised in Philly, loves cooking, knitting, pilates and spending time with her family and best friend Olive.

Chief Happiness Officer (HV)
Olive started her career 5 years ago and is instrumental in creating smile sand sunshine at Jay Ann Intimates. Just rub her belly and give her a treat to see the magic happen :-)!

Richard Friedenberg
Rich is a graduate of the Wharton School at the University pf Pennsylvania with a concentration in management. He spent 25 years in the home-improvement industry, first as a COO of a local retailer and then as an owner of his own business. Rich now oversees the financial aspects of Jay Ann Intimates and is involved in the expansion of the business.

Gina Gesualdi
CMF, Compression Manager
Gina has been working in the post-mastectomy industry for the last seven years. For the last three years, she has managed the Jay Ann Compression Shop in Southampton, PA.
She oversees all aspects of the department, as well as acts as billing compliance for all of Jay Ann’s seven locations.